Myopia Control

What is Myopia?

Myopia, also known as ‘short-sightedness’ or ‘near-sightedness’, causes people to have difficulty seeing distant objects clearly. Myopia typically begins in childhood and you may have a higher risk if your parents are short-sighted. In most cases, short-sightedness stabilizes in early adulthood but sometimes it continues to progress with age.

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What is Myopia Control?

Myopia control describes a technique used to slow the progression of myopia with time. Myopia control does not reduce the short-sighted prescription; it slows the progression or rate of increase of the prescription.

Why is it important to control Myopia?

It is estimated that half the world’s population will be myopic by 2050. Growing levels of high myopia are increasing the risks of serious eye conditions, which may lead to permanent blindness.

High myopia can be associated with increased risk for sight threatening conditions such as Myopic Macular Degeneration, Cataract, Glaucoma, Retinal holes and Retinal Detachments. 

How do we monitor myopia progression?

  • Change in glasses or contact lens prescription. Every child will need an annual full eye examination to check their glasses/contact lens prescription and health of their eye.
  • Axial Length measurements. The length of the eyeball is measured to monitor progression throughout the myopia control treatment.

What are the options to control myopia progression?

  • Miyosmart Spectacle Lenses
  • MiSight Myopia Control Daily Soft Contact Lenses
  • Orthokeratology Rigid Overnight Contact Lenses
  • Atropine Therapeutic Eye Drops

All these options have been shown to slow the rate of myopia progression by half (50%).